The Inauguration of the Gjakova Career Center
Career Orientation is very important for Vocational Education and Training (VET) as it contributes to improving the efficiency of the education system and its linkage with the labor market. If individuals make well-thought-out decisions about what they should learn and that are related to their interests, capacities and aspirations, investment in education and training systems will give higher return on investment.
Considering the importance of career orientation for Vocational Education and Training, Gjakova Municipality has supported the establishment of a Career Center at the technical secondary school "Nexhmedin Nixha " in Gjakova, which will help about 500 students of this school to develop competencies regarding their careers so that they can make informed and successful educational, professional and vital decisions.
Current students, future students, graduate students, abandoned adults, businesses, parents, local / national authorities and the community in general will benefit from this Career Center. In particular, the career center will play a decisive role in increasing youth enrollment in VET schools, improve parental awareness, and strengthen VET system relationships with the private sector / labor market.
The inauguration of the Career Center in the high school "Nexhmedin Nixha" in Peja was done on 25 September 2018. The host of the ceremony was the Mayor of Peja, Gazmend Muhaxheri, while invited at this ceremony were representatives from MEST, Swiss Office, local and international partners and other guests from partner municipalities.
The Career Center at "Nexhmedin Nixha" VET School in Gjakova was established as a result of a partnership and co-investment between the Municipality of Gjakova, the school, local businesses, Ipko Foundation and the Enhancing Youth Employment (EYE) project of The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
In addition to this career center in Gjakova, three other centers will be established at the technical school "Feriz Guri and Vëllezërit Çaka" in Kaçanik, and in the agriculture and technology school "Zenel Hajdini" in Ferizaj . The establishment of these career centers is being supported by the Enhancing Youth Employement Project (EYE) of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Ipko Foundation.
For more about the inauguration, follow the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXlfYXQ42I4&feature=share