Step closer towards establishing Prishtina Career Counseling Center
After initial signature of MoU between the Municipality of Prishtina (MoP) and EYE in December 2014, process is moving forward to establish Prishtina Career Counseling Center.
MoP already assigned temporary location for PCCC while on 16-20 March EYE has facilitated one-week induction training organized for the newly-appointed Prishtina Career Counseling Center (PCCC) staff.
Attendants were able to gain additional knowledge on: main concepts on career counseling occupation, and Job-search strategies (including services such as writing a CV, motivation letter, interview).
PCCC is expected to start offering services to graduates from VET schools operating in Prishtina during this year while it is expected that around 600 graduated students will seek advice from PCCC and its newly trained staff for faster transition from school to labour market.