

SDC Project Implemented by Helvetas and MDA

Request for Proposals (RfP) 07/2018 Vocational Education and Training (VET) Media Campaign

Vocational Education and Training (VET) Media Campaign
Enhancing Youth Employment (EYE) project is soliciting proposals from qualified local companies
that can offer the following items:
 A multi-media campaign to incite public debate about career choices after vocational
education and training (VET) and the potential for VET to address the skills gap in the labour
Detailed description about the media campaign is presented in the TOR as Annex 1 of this RFP (please
visit for more info).
Participation in this RFP is open to all registered legal entities in Kosovo that can offer the items
detailed above. Bidders have to supply in separate envelops:
(i) One original signed and three copies of the technical proposal for the items requested
according to the TOR, along with basic information about the company and its portfolio;
(ii) One original signed financial offer together with three copies of the financial offer which
must be presented in Euro.

Bidders are requested to present their business registration and fiscal number and certificate from
the tax authority that the legal entity has no tax liability.
The price proposed in this offer should be all inclusive; EYE is exempt from VAT, thus the cost should
be exclusive of VAT. The contractor is responsible for all other taxes and duties in compliance with
the Law of the Republic of Kosovo.

The proposal must be delivered in a sealed envelope to EYE’s office in Prishtina no later than 4.00
p.m. on 01.05.2018.
Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation Kosovo
Enhancing Youth Employment (EYE) project
Nazim Gafurri 33, 10000 Pristina, Republic of Kosovo
Phone: +383 (0) 38 517 715

Selection Criteria: technical offer, portfolio/experience, price will determine the short-listed companies
that will be invited to present proposal as the last stage of the evaluation. However, EYE reserves
the right to cancel this RFP procedure, should it not be satisfied with the proposals.

EYE takes a systems approach to problem understanding and an adaptive approach to management.

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Latest VET Campaign in Kosovo

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Read the Latest Publications of
EYE Project

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We would like to meet you in person or via the contact form

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