

SDC Project Implemented by Helvetas and MDA

New Career Center in Prizren to Help Hundreds of Students Make Informed Career Choices.

Happy to announce the inauguration of yet another career center, this time in the city of Prizren

This newly established career center in the ''11 Marsi" vocational school will help current students identify career paths, make informed chareer choices, and gain more employment and income opportunities in the job market. It will also help increase enrollment and strengthen relationships between the school and job providers.

The center was established as a result of a co-investment between the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Enhancing Youth employment (EYE) project and the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education.

EYE takes a systems approach to problem understanding and an adaptive approach to management.

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Latest VET Campaign in Kosovo

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Read the Latest Publications of
EYE Project

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