Kosovar Entrepreneurs seeking opportunities in Swiss Market
A group of young entrepreneurs are working hard to access foreign markets and sell their services abroad. Facilitated by EYE, 20 young companies providing web development, software developers, financial services, graphic designers, marketing/telemarketing and call centers have decided to cluster their resources to increase their chances of access in the European markets. This idea was conceptualized by Valon Asani, the director of web design company called MIK Agency, which is part of a Swiss business platform through which Kosovar companies seek access to international markets. “One of the ways to support the growth of young Kosovar companies and entrepreneurs is by allowing them to compete in international markets. This can only be achieved if we join forces and as business community, match the quality of services offered in European market” stated Valon in the first meeting where the idea of clustering was first discussed between the companies.
In February 2014, EYE co-financed a B2B event in Zurich and Basel, which gathered more than 100 Swiss and Kosovar businesses to discuss the possibilities of cooperation. The young growing companies initiative has triggered the interest of the Municipality of Prishtina, who has approached EYE in exploring possibilities to ensure sustainability and replication of these types of initiatives. In December 2014, a Memorandum of Understanding between EYE and Municipality of Prishtina to develop Prishtina Business HUB was signed. The Hub would provide affordable services and office space to companies which attempt to sell services abroad.
According to Shpresa Peroli, an external advisor of EYE who worked within this initiative, the export of services will come only by seizing new and innovative opportunities for young Kosovar entrepreneurs. Therefore, the Kosovar companies will need to prepare themselves to enter these markets. The demand in Europe for services is greater than the supply, so we have a chance to get a share in these markets. This will increase the chances of employment for young women and man in Kosovo.