KosICT 2018
KosICT is a creative knowledge conference of inspirational proportions featuring IT trending topics in a vibrant environment. The 7th edition of the conference organized by STIKK took place from 12-13 October 2018. This conference aims to cover topics of the global trend in the field of ICT. These trends bring the best international, regional and local experts, sharing their experiences with KosICT participants.
Among different topics that were treated by experts and innovators in the field of ICT, Enhancing Youth Employment (EYE) Project was part of the panel discussion on increasing employability in the Kosovo ICT sector.
The panelist Mr. Driton Hapçiu from Cacttus Education, Ms. Donjeta Sahatçiu from Rrota, Ms. Hana Qerimi Rizaj from StarLabs, and Ms. Muzafer Shala from Kolegji Universum discussed about the skills gap in the ICT sector. Considering the growth of ICT there is a lack of skilled personnel while the demand from tech companies is high.Mr. Hapciu stated that one of the main problems is the quality of education and it usually takes for his company one year of training for new employees. However, companies should invest in these training programs in order to have a better skilled staff.
Ms. Sahatciu indicated that the Human Index Capital has a 5-year gap with regards to education. Additionally, she stated technical skills can be taught, however, there is a lack of soft skills such as critical thinking and problem solving.Ms. Rizaj denoted that the programming skills, critical and problem solving skills should be learned from a young age and that the investments should start from elementary school. Furthermore, he mentioned that not only education plays a major role in creative development of young generation but this has also to be encouraged and supported from their families.
Mr. Shala highlighted that university plays an important role to develop skills related to ICT sector. He talked how Universum Institution has been developing an action plan as a short-term goal which offers internships along studies in order to be able to match the skills of the industry.
As a long-term goal they have considered cooperating with secondary school to develop such skills.The panel discussion was moderated by Tim Sparkman from Enhancing Youth Employment (EYE) Project.