How trainings in the BPO sector are promising to fast-track employment for young people
In today’s globalized world, markets are interlinked more than ever before, and advancements in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) have opened the floodgates for large companies to outsource business services internationally.
Due to its cheap labor, skilled workforce, and geographical proximity to Europe, Kosovo has become a regional nest for offshore outsourcing in recent years. The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector has the potential to boost economic development, increase exports, and create thousands of new jobs, especially in light of recent attention Kosovo has been receiving as a hub for tapping into a young, skilled workforce.
Education systems not always manage to keep up with the rapidly changing nature of work, which often makes it hard for employers to recruit. But where formal education is slower on the uptake, non-formal education can carry the torch and help fill in the gaps!
Among many of the existing BPO providers in Kosovo today, SPEEEX has earned a name for itself as one of the key players in the field, not least because of its innovative approach to training and employment.
Recently, EYE entered a partnership with the company to help them create SPEEEX Education. It’s a spin-off non-formal education entity specialized in providing BPO training for young people. The innovative methodology employed allows job applicants to improve soft skills, language skills, and technical skills necessary to reach the required threshold for employment in the BPO sector.
While SPEEEX Education provides participants with extensive theoretical know-how, it also makes sure that students develop the right practical experience. Working groups are small which allows for personalized coursework, and every participant gets the opportunity to interview for a job after they finish the training!
In May, 2020, we facilitated a landmark agreement between SPEEEX, SPEEEX Education and the Laboratory for Business Activities (an organization supported by the local company Sharrcem) which will bring jobs for hundreds of young people of the Elez Han region and will promote economic development. A new SPEEEX branch together with a training center is set to open in the city which will prepare young people for jobs in the BPO sector!