Establishing Industrial Board in Public Universities of Kosovo
Today, EYE presented the initiative to establish Industrial Board to the representatives of University of ”Haxhi Zeka” in Peja. This presentation is part of the advocacy activities to establish such communication mechanisms in all higher level education institutions. At first such Board was established by Faculty of Electric and Computer Engineering (FECE). Industrial Board model, as an important body that strengthens communication between academia and private sector, was also presented in early February in front of Rectorate and all Academic Units of the Univerisity of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”.
Moreover four academic units of UP will take the lead to continue their cooperation with EYE in establishing Industrial Boards within their respective entities as part of the Univeristy of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”. Two more academic units from University of “Haxhi Zeka” will follow the same process in the next few weeks.
EYE is also facilitating activities to establish Industrial Boards by other Universities placed in Mitrovica, and Prizren.