

SDC Project Implemented by Helvetas and MDA

New Career Center Established in the Municipality of Malisheva.

On September 25, 2019, we announced the inauguration of a brand new Career Center in the Municipality of Malisheva.

The new center, which is located within the competency center 'Kujtim Krasniqi', will help more than 600 students of this school develop professionally and identify career paths, and facilitate school-to-work transition.

The center was established as a result of a co-investment between the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) Enhancing Youth employment (EYE) project and the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education.

The center will play an important role in stimulating youth enrollment in this vocational school, improving parents' awareness and strengthening relationships with the private sector & labor market.

Albina Berisha, Project Manager at EYE said: "The establishment of career centers is of huge importance for several reasons: first, they help schools better communicate with parents about their children’s potential career choices; second, they help businesses by improving the skills of future employees from local schools; and third, they provide students with guidance and information on the job market and employment."  

Albina also stated that these centers are expected to promote vocational education and increase the number of students enrolled in these schools, adding that VET schools bring students faster into jobs and offer industry led solutions.

This is the 9th career center established in vocational schools across Kosovo with the support of EYE and public institutions.

Together with our partners, we will continue to help young women and men make informed career choices, and gain more employment and income opportunities through an improved job mediation system.


EYE takes a systems approach to problem understanding and an adaptive approach to management.

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