More faculties establishing Industrial Boards with private sector
During last few days more Faculties are joining the initiative to establish Industrial Boards (IB) with the purpose to instigate public-private dialogue between the Academia and private businesses, by preparing students according to real labour market needs.
On 28.09.2015 Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary of the University “Hasan Prishtina” took similar decision to constitute its own Industrial Board.
The followng are members active in agri-sector took part in the first meeting of the IB: Eurolona, Sharri, Fitofarm, Agrovizioni, Konsoni, Pestova, AVUK and Milk Processors Association. Mr. Isak Begisholli was elected as the Head of the IB.
Few days later, Faculty of Tourism within the University of “Haxhi Zeka” also established its own IB including companies such as Dukagjini, VAS Tours, Swiss Diamond Hotel, Magra Austria as well as Academic staff and other stakeholders active in the tourism sector.
The initiative is supported by the EYE Project, and currently there are 5 IB’s established already as a sign of further development of mechanisms to address the issue of skills supply by education institutions according to private sector needs.