

SDC Project Implemented by Helvetas and MDA

Making reliable data on youth, education, and employment accessible to everyone

Data is a game-changing resource, and some are saying that it’s the most valuable commodity in the world. Reliable data and information has the power to improve people’s lives, inform the design of better policies, and find solutions to social problems. In Kosovo, access to reliable data can be a bit of an uphill battle sometimes. There’s often a lack of research, and when there isn’t, it can be strenuous to find the right information when it’s scattered across multiple websites, pages and documents.

But what if there was a hub that compiles data from a wide range of sources into one easily navigable platform that journalists and researchers and the general public can use?

To EYE, it’s particularly important to improve ease of access to data around youth, employment and education as it can inform the design of better policies geared towards helping young people navigate the world of education and work.

How many graduates are Kosovo’s universities producing? Which industries suffer from skills mismatch most? What businesses are losing young workers to migration most? What fields are proving to employ most young people?

These are just some of the questions to which you’ll find answers in Kosovo 2.0’s new Interactive Youth Map, which we supported them to establish. The Interactive youth map is a database consisting of demographic data on population, employment, migration, and education of young people in Kosovo, all compiled in one easily navigable and accessible platform. The platform offers a comprehensive collection of data from multiple sources, and it is quickly becoming a hub of information that is not only helping researchers and journalists, but also supporting young people to make well-informed career choices.

But numbers themselves are only part of the picture. The platform also features feature stories, articles, podcasts, and videos that amplify the unheard voices of young people who face the challenges of being young in Kosovo.

So whether you’re a young person wanting to make sense of your future in the labor market, or a researcher working on a new study: the interactive youth map will be your best friend, so make sure to check it out!

EYE takes a systems approach to problem understanding and an adaptive approach to management.

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