Launch of the "Labor Market Information System (SITP)"
The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (MLSW) and the EYE Project in co-operation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) have launched the SITP (Labor Market Information System).
The purpose of the SITP is to provide employment and career information in support of students, unemployed, jobseekers, parents and career advisors. The Labor Market Information System (SITP) will collect a range of data from the Kosovo Agency of Statistics (Population Census, Labor Force Survey), MEST (education statistics), MLSW (registered unemployed) social assistance beneficiaries, vacancies, etc.), by the Tax Administration (official employment figures); MTI (Business Register) on a common platform, in order to provide up-to-date information on trends in the labor market in Kosovo.
In his speech, the Minister of Labor and Social Welfare Mr. Skender Reçica said that the launch of the labor market information system where all labor market information, including the career orientation module, will ease the way forward to provide vocational training based on the needs of the labor market and vocational secondary schools to compile relevant curricula according to market needs.
While, Ms. Alessandra Roccasalvo from UNDP stressed the importance that the system will have in the future: "The world has produced more data only in 2017 than in the entire history of humanity. So the data is there. We just need to have the tools and knowledge to use and to provide a comprehensive approach to this data for citizens. On the other hand, project manager of the EYE Project Mr. Durim Hoxha addressed the participants emphasizing the importance of this project and the journey to the realization of this project that EYE has supported from the first phase. This was concluded with a presentation by Mrs. Zana Tabaku from APPDEC which presented the platform in front of the audience.