Outcome 2 addresses the inefficient (in terms of required costs, time and networks to find a job) and ineffective (in terms of a mismatch between what skills candidates offer and what employers need) matching of supply and demand in the labour market. It attempts to steer the supply of workforce and their acquired skills into subsectors and respective professions where the demand for decent labour is highest.
In the working area of the job intermediation EYE focuses on:
Improve the quality of career guidance service and availability of services into more VET schools and more municipalities.
EYE will work in supporting existing career centres in 9 VET schools developing new services, expand career centres in other municipalities, ensure sustainable delivery of training for career counsellors, and develop career services at Public Employment Offices.
To reach the objective EYE plans to work with: MES, AVETAE, Competence Centre Prizren, municipalities, Association of Municipalities, VET schools, Kosovo Career Development Foundation, EARK/PES offices and private sector.
Support labour market integration services and information platforms/networks.
The goal is to increase the use of job platforms, and public employment services by employers and job seekers. EYE works with private job matching service providers (online portals, recruitment agencies, head-hunters, temp agencies), organizations offering targeting matching services to women and minorities, and Public Employment Services (PES) under the Agency of Employment of the Republic of Kosovo.
EYE does not apply open calls, however, if you have any innovative idea that matches the objectives of EYE, please download the concept template and budget form which is the first step to submit your proposal.