EYE Steering Committee Meeting
On 19 March 2015, the Steering Committee (SC) of the EYE project held its fifth meeting to discuss the latest activity report and the yearly plan of operation of 2015.
The meeting was chaired by Mr. Stefan Butscher from Swiss Cooperation Office in Kosovo. New Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Mr. Arban Abrashi, was present too as co-chair of the SC.
In addition, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Mr. Abrashi on behalf of MLSW and Mr. Conrad, Program Director of EYE while the purpose of this MoU is to establish the terms and conditions of mutual cooperation between both institutions, in order to enhance the performance of Public Employment Services (PES) under MLWS. After signing the agreement, both officials expressed satisfaction in advancing further the cooperation between MLSW and EYE in support of youth employment in Kosovo.