

SDC Project Implemented by Helvetas and MDA

EYE and Scards sign co-investment agreement

Today on December 9, 2013 an agreement was signed between EYE Project and  SCARDS to help develop staff and training capacities of latter private company  in Kosovo.

The project intervention seeks to secure specialized training and  sustainable jobs for young Kosovar professionals within Scards and ICT sector,  enabling beneficiaries to gain skills that are up to date with international  market trends. SCARDS innovation, management capacities, and willingness to  challenge and compete in global markets were main points that merged with the  vision of EYE Project, to help increase job opportunities in Kosovo youth by  matching their competencies with market in needs.

It is expected that by the end of 2014, 15 young women and men will have  specialized skills on: mobile application development, application and database  development on Windows and Unix platforms, graphic design, internet and social  media marketing.  These skills are highly demanded by SCARDS and the trainees will have the opportunity to grow within the company and have long  term employment possibilities.


EYE takes a systems approach to problem understanding and an adaptive approach to management.

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